Tuesday, April 26, 2011

March/April Update

Where is the time going??? Spring is here FINALLY, and it is almost summer! Our first fun Spring thing was trip the Wye Mtn Daffodil farm. Of course, it was a fun date for Atticus and Gracie :)

This year Gracie enjoyed picking and tasting the flowers more than she did last year. It was really fun to watch her frollick through the field. I didn't get many smiles, but she still looked precious.

Gracie is so thankful Atticus got to join her on such a fun date!
Along with turning 18 months old this month, Gracie has also decided she would like to be a big girl and use the potty! We are not whole-heartedly committed to it by any means. But well on our way! Her potty adventures mainly consist of me asking/her trying to go potty between diaper changes, before bath time, and before bedtime. I have not purchased any pull-ups or underwear yet. I think I'm a little afraid she will lose interest and start reverting. So we are going no pressure right now and letting her set the pace. She surprises me with how much she knows. I never would've thought she would've initiated this--but I will take it! We will probably commit to it a little more after vacation in May.
That's it for now--more news SOON! :)


  1. HEyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy graceeeeeeeeeeeee look at her go(no pun intended)

  2. Jesus loves you, hope potty training worked out for you. heehee I personally think it didnt and you are still wearing diappies to this very day

  3. awww my little succulent, hope you are being watered, my child! auntie Patricia is always watching, love you almost as much as I love my hairless rats:)

  4. I feel like this is very staged I'm enraged
